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Real assets.
Real outcomes.
Real impact.

Invest in unlisted properties that are hand-picked and extensively considered, with deep industry knowledge and attention to detail. These properties provide enviable risk mitigation and superb growth potential.


Real assets.
That make a real difference.

We like real assets, specifically property, because it’s tangible. You can see, touch, and visit it. We especially like that it delivers outstanding growth for investors, while uplifting communities. It’s about doing well and doing good.

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“We believe, with humility, that we’re good at what we do. We know, with joy, that we love what we do. And we acknowledge, with gratitude, that we’re fortunate to find meaning in what we do.”


Real solutions.
Delivering really solid returns.

Invest in unlisted South African and Namibian properties that are hand-picked and extensively considered, with deep industry knowledge and attention to detail. These properties provide enviable risk mitigation and superb growth potential.


Real Impact.
That’s really measurable.

Convenience retail can make a significant and positive difference by uplifting communities, stimulating economies, creating employment, and providing opportunities for renewable energy. All of which is quantifiable.

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Real expertise.
With real purpose.

Our experience is T-shaped: broad and deep. We’ve worked in many areas of property investment, with many partners, for many years. We thrive on the big picture, the small detail and, above all, delivering returns while making an impact.

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